
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2019

Commonly misused words, confusingly related words, preposition

TUGAS BAHASA INGGRIS BISNIS 2# SOFTSKILL (TASK 2 APRILL 22 2019) Disusun oleh: Kelompok (our team) : - Nurul Shafira (25216634) - Rizqi Laila Fauziah (26216631) - Novia Handika (25216494) - Nadina Sabila Imani (25216267) - Rani Rizkiana (28216047) KELAS 3EB07 FAKULTAS EKONOMI JURUSAN AKUNTANSI Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2# Dosen : Dea Adlina ( CONVERSATION ON THE TELEPHONE ) Receptionist    : Good morning Mrs, welcome to Margonda Hotel. My name is  Fira as your receptionist, is there something that I can help with? Guest 1            : Good morning. I want to book a room for today. Do you have any for that? Receptionist    : What time you will be arrived at Margonda Hotel? Guest 1            : I will be arrived around 2 pm today. Receptionist    : How long you will be stay in our Hotel? Guest 1            : Its exactly two nights stay. Receptionist    : How many pe